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The  Gоvernment  оf  Indiа  is  well  аwаre  оf  the  рrоblems  in  the  Indiаn  eduсаtiоn  system,  but  hаs  been  slоw  in  resроnding  tо  them.  Sсhооl  infrаstruсture  is  in  а  рооr  stаte  аnd  mаny  sсhооl  teасhers  аre  nоt  рrорerly  quаlified,  with  31%  оf  them  nоt  hаving  а  degree.  40%  оf  sсhооls  аre  withоut  eleсtriсity.  There  аre  sсhооls  where  аt  the  time  оf  exаms  the  invigilаtоrs  ignоre  the  students,  giving  them  full  freedоm  tо  сheаt,  аnd  аt  times  the  teасhers  themselves  аbet  the  асt  оf  сheаting.  Аlsо,  there  аre  instаnсes  where  the  сhildren  аre  аsked  tо  sweeр  the  flооrs,  serve  meаls  tо  the  teасhers,  аnd  сhildren  аs  yоung  аs  six  аre  beаten  with  rulers.  Соnsequently,  the  stаte  оf  leаrning  is  very  рооr.  This  is  highlighted  by  the  Аnnuаl  Survey  оf  Eduсаtiоn  Reроrt  (АSER),  whiсh  fоund  thаt  а  substаntiаl  number  оf  gоvernment  sсhооls  hаve  14-yeаr-оld  students  six  yeаrs  behind  whаt  wоuld  be  exрeсted  оf  them  оn  аverаge.  These  сirсumstаnсes  сreаte  а  рrediсаment  fоr  sосiо-eсоnоmiсаlly  deрrived  grоuрs,  whо  саn’t  аffоrd  а  рrivаte  sсhооl  tо  eduсаte  their  сhild.

Basically, India has over 250 million school going students, more than any other country and it is also has one of the largest networks of higher education institutions around the globe.  The Number of colleges and universities in India reached 39,931 and 993 in FY19. So, India had 37.4 million students enrolled in higher education in 2018-19. Also, Gross Enrolment Ratio in higher education reached 26.3 per cent in FY19 accordingly. Also, They Central Government plans to disburse US$ 1 billion to states for introducing skill development initiatives efficiently. So, Skill India Mission 2015 is aimed at skilling 400 million Indian youths by 2022. As of January 2020, there were 14,602 Industrial Training Institutes in India. Besides, Skill India program has benefitted more than one crore (10 million) youth yearly.  Thus, Under Union Budget 2019-20, the Government provided Rs 400 crore (US$ 57.23 billion) for ‘World Class Institutions’. 56 institutes were represented from India, in the Times Higher Education (THE) Emerging Economies University Rankings 2020 efficiently. Moreover, the Education sector in India remains to be a strategic priority for the Government as such. Though, The Government has allowed 100 per cent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the education sector through the automatic route since 2002. So, Total FDI inflow in India’s education sector stood at US$ 3.24 billion between April 2000 to March 2020, according to the data released by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT). Therefore, the Venture capital in ed-tech space increased to US$ 795 million, in the first six months of 2020 from US$ 108 million in the corresponding period last annum.

Additionally, The Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi approved the National Education Policy 2020.  So, making way for large scale, transformational reforms in both school and higher education sectors. The policy is built on foundational pillars of Access, Equity and Quality as well as Affordability and Accountability and also, is aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  So,  according to Union Budget 2020-21, the Government has allocated Rs 59,845 crore (US$ 8.56 billion) to the Department of School Education and Literacy altogether. Thus, Revitalizing Infrastructure and Systems in Education (RISE) by 2022 was announced in Union Budget 2020-21 at an outlay of Rs 3,000 crore, US$ 429.55 million as a whole. Also, In May 2020, the Government launched PM eVIDYA, a Programme for multi-mode access to digital/online education system. So, Other initiatives to be launched include Manodarpan that is New National Curriculum and Pedagogical framework, National Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Mission respectively.

Therefore, there are several issues that the Indian education system is grappled with and We cannot deny the fact that the Indian government and institutions, have been working to reform the existing education model system. So, there are still several issues which are required to be taken care of are these, 7 immediate changes needed in the Indian education system as follows:--

  • Remote learning:--

India have progressed with time, though we still have not been able to move away from rote learning. So, While we know that IB schools are changing the education system at their level and  we also need to understand that the population that goes to IB schools is very limited in nature as well and Not everyone can afford the education system that they offer altogether. Now, the government needs to take the baton in their hands and eradicate rote learning from the schools at all the levels efficiently. Besides, the schools must be encouraged to introduce conceptual learning which avoids students to mug up what they are being taught and also, while this will help students to understand the concepts better. So, they will also be able to retain and apply them better effectively.

  •  Indian Evaluation system--

The Marks still continue to play the most important card in deciding the future of children and this often comes down upon students as a burdening factor along with it. So, the pressure of marks often makes students underperform but Instead of focusing the evaluation on a three-hour exam,  it should focus of evaluation should be classroom participation by a student, projects and communication as well as leadership skills and extra-curricular activities as well.

  • Equality in subjects--

Mostly, we continue to survive in the education system where science stream topples the stream hierarchy as such. So, Students are pushed to become a machine which only goes for high-profile subjects and subjects like languages, communications, arts are looked down and are not considered high-profile altogether. Thus, Students should rather be pushed to pursue the subject that they like instead of creating a differentiation between subjects also.

  • Training of Educators:--

Basically, the Teachers play the most important role in schools and so, they should be given the best of class training altogether.  So, After all, they are shaping the future of the nation, the Students. As Teachers are often considered as second parents as well. Therefore, they should be imparted their training in a way that they can act as parents to the children away from their homes and families. Additionally,  while teaching, they should create a congenial and home like atmosphere where students can feel the empathy and love in the classroom and also, which can then be reflected in their behaviors as well.

  • Education technology:--

As we all know we have incepted in the era of the fourth industrial revolution and also, we are living the renaissance of technology and in such a state, technology and education system cannot be kept apart as such. So, the Students must be taught about technology right from the early years of their education as that it does not come like an alien thing in their later times as a whole. Thus, Indian schools must embrace technology and education with an open heart and propagate the same to the students as it is there, where their future lies actually.

  • Personalize education--

Usually, Indian education needs to realize that the absorption power of every student cannot be the same and moreover, the teaching method also cannot remain the same for every student in a class of 30. So, Some students have faster learning pace and some are slow actually. Now, Teachers must have a keen eye on observing each of their students altogether.

  • Goal of Education:--

Indian education system is still having the features what colonial educators inbuilt. So, Education is not always about becoming a big, rich person. Besides, It should be about humanism. The  fаilures  оf  the  Indiаn  eduсаtiоn  system  рush  рeорle  intо  wоrking  рооrly  remunerаted  аnd  unseсure  jоbs,  where  they  аre  exрlоited  аnd  trаррed  in  а  stаte  оf  deрrivаtiоn.  А  viсiоus  сyсle  is  сreаted  асrоss  generаtiоns.  Eduсаtiоn  is  imроrtаnt  beсаuse  it  аllоws  рeорle  tо  live  fulfilled  аnd  dignified  lives.  Stаtes  hаve  аn  оbligаtiоn  tо  рrоvide  eduсаtiоn  tо  their  сitizens,  аnd  unfоrtunаtely,  in  Indiа,  thаt  оbligаtiоn  is  nоt  being  fulfilled. Thus, Students must also be taught in-depth about the morals of life and inculcated with humanistic values. So, They should be taught that life is much beyond money and success is not measured in money solely. Therefore, If the Indian education system starts taking these points into serious considerations, then we can attain the level of the best education system in the world and It is high that we as a country that start taking education above the mediocre level, that we have been engrained with and perceive education from the holistic approach efficiently.

Malja Hayat 3 years ago
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We guide you through the extensive admissions process laid down by different institutions from across the globe. Our Services Include:

  • 1. Find Courses: It is very troublesome for an aspirant to make well-informed decisions about which country, which institution, and which course to select. This is where we come to your rescue by offering appropriate assistance. As an online counselor, Edumpus advises and helps the candidate to decide on her/his Course, College/University with our incredible platform.
  • 3. Offer Condition Guidance: With so many institutions, so many countries and so many different courses on offer worldwide and each of them have their own terms and conditions for admission, settlement, and relocation. Our platform is right here to guide you through every single T&C & instruction which will help you to meet the conditions of their particular institution/university separately.
  • 5. Travel & Accommodation Assistance: Need help with booking a flight to the destination country or finding it difficult in searching for credible accommodation options close to your institution? We’ve got you covered every step of the way.
  • 2. Application Process: A common application form for 500+ Universities & Colleges. We offer tech-enabled assistance in filing the applications to the institutions by simplifying the necessary information and standardizing the communication between the students & institutions.
  • 4. Interviews & Visa Training: Clearing a university interview is not a cakewalk and at times it turns out to be the most difficult part of the whole immigration process. Most of our consulates require the applicant to appear for interviews and facing the interviews may be a complex task. Our experts encourage aspirants to gather the right records while being extremely cautious with documentation and visa training services provided to them.

For the Students

Academic Growth Ecosystem

We cut down on the information overload and bring all the important services under one umbrella to empower you in making well informed to help you grow academically.

Choose from any of the following products to grow at the desired pace:

  • Eligibility Meter: Eligibility Meter is a scoring algorithm that, on the basis of the profile readiness of a student, suggests how likely they are to get enrolled in the top institutions of their choice. On the basis of this scoring, the students can further try to put some extra effort in order to enhance their eligibility to get enrolled in the institution of their choice. The eligibility meter also allows a mock admission process identical to those of the international institutions to help the students prepare for their enrolment process.
  • Emporium: Emporium is an aggregator service for various online certifications and language proficiency courses that add immense value to the academic and professional profiles of the users. Courses ranging from Cybersecurity, ethical hacking, digital marketing, big data analysis, data science, foreign languages such as Spanish, German, French, etc. shall be brought to the perusal of the users after being selectively sourced from different service providers with the best product offerings. The students will have the option to shortlist and compare similar courses in order to zero down on the best-suited option according to their academic, professional, and financial requirements. All the courses will be made available to the students at the best possible prices.
  • EduCube: A coming of age virtual classroom that enhances the educational experience of the users by giving them the interactive feel of a real classroom without the need of having to go to it at all. Educube allows teachers and students to interact with live video streaming and tech-enabled interactive features. The best classroom sessions are those that involve active participation.
  • AdWiser: AdWiser is a bot-enabled counseling service that gathers, processes, and suggests the best fit relationship between a student and an institution. Cutting down on the information overload, it brings out the most relevant results based on the inputs provided by the user. A student enters relevant information about his/her academic achievements while making the profile or later while updating the profile. On the basis of the information provided, AdWiser tallies the same information with the eligibility criteria of various institutions from across the globe from its huge portfolio and suggests the student accordingly. It also allows the student to set budgets and time-specific goals and notifies the student on a real-time basis as soon as there is a development in the enrollment procedure of these carefully matched institutions.
  • Capsule: Capsule is a news and blog platform built inside the Edumpus Social Platform that sources all the relevant updates from the field of education globally that are collated in the shortest span of time to allow the students to access them and make well-informed decisions subsequently. Edumpus has a qualified research team that constantly keeps a watchful eye on the developments in the field of education ranging from immigration policies, eligibility information, new courses and degrees, events, etc.
  • Abode: Abode is an aggregator service offered by Edumpus to help students find credible & safe off-campus accommodation. A lot of international students find it difficult to get an on-campus accommodation and are required to arrange for an off-campus accommodation which becomes problematic as there is a lot of information overload due to the options available on the internet. Edumpus solves this problem by bringing out student-focused accommodation options that are verified and available at a very reasonable price. Edumpus provides this service at no extra cost and the students are supposed to pay on actuals for their accommodation.

For the Institutions


Triadge is a set of services offered under three major verticals by Edumpus to Educational Institutions looking forward to expanding their international student recruitment without necessarily having to set up a regional enrollment/admissions/marketing office. The three major verticals are the Global Catalyst Program, Value Chain Proposition & Campus Ambassador Program. All of these verticals are targeted towards bringing about a quantitative and qualitative growth in the international student recruitment activities of Institutions of global repute by facilitating an enhanced engagement with the prospective students.

  • Inquiry Management: The institutions can generate verified student leads by communicating with the student profiles showing interest in them and/or their courses. Based on the profile readiness, the institutions can filter out plausible profiles and choose to engage with them.
  • Admission Process Management" The institutions can publish and promote their courses on the platform and define the procedures according to their predetermined guidelines and practices and the platform shall automate the process and standardize each step of the process to the best understanding of the students.
  • Digital Promotions: We understand the needs of the students and we communicate with them in a way that our institution partners are presented as a solution-provider to their educational pursuits. All an institution needs to do is avail out Digital Promotion Services to get the desired visibility across different platforms.
  • Enrolment Management: The institutions can avail of the cloud-based data management system that stores the data/documents from the students and take admission/enrollment-related actions like issuing the offers, sending guidelines for fee payment, scheduling interviews, and declaring the merit list at the end of each intake process.
  • Cross Border Outreach Programs: The institutions can choose to interact with the target audience in a specific market outside of the admission process as a mode of PR activity and also collaborate with students from various institutions to conduct collaborated and inter-institutional events and activities.

How TRiADGE Works